Dandruff is one of the most common hair issues people of all ages face, owing to many different reasons. It can be caused by skin issues like seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis along with dry or oily skin. Whatever the reason, you can always treat your skin with skin care. Excess growth of dandruff on your scalp can be very uncomfortable and oftentimes, an embarrassing experience that can lead to serious hair fall or damage.
Needless to say, when you notice a dandruff infection getting out of hand, you should immediately try to get it under control. Luckily, dandruff has many remedies that you can put to use. Listed below are some of the easiest and most useful tips to help you learn how to get rid of dandruff permanently.
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Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the most effective oils when it comes to cleaning dandruff off the scalp. It is packed with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that directly tackle the yeast-like fungus called ‘malassezia’ that is responsible for the growth of dandruff. However, tea tree oil can induce a negative reaction if you have sensitive skin so it is best to use it with another product. For eg., mixing a few drops of oil in your shampoo or mixing tea tree oil with coconut oil before applying.

Vinegar has high levels of acid in it, which is said to help fight different types of fungus and balance the pH of your scalp. It also helps get rid of the dead skin cells on your scalp that contribute to the growth of dandruff.
Revise Your Diet

Excessive consumption of unhealthy foods leads to a lot of problems including dandruff. It is best to steer clear of foods like refined carbs, processed foods, red meat, sugary beverages and more if you are prone to dandruff.
Coconut Oil Treatment

Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for a lot of things including dandruff. This oil has hydrating properties that, when applied to your hair regularly, moisturises the scalp and relieves dryness, getting rid of dandruff. Multiple studies have also proven that coconut oil is useful in controlling scalp conditions caused by itchiness, inflammation and scalp microbiomes. One of the best ways to use coconut oil for dandruff is by heating it slightly and massaging the warm oil into your scalp in gentle circles. Remember to rinse off the oil after an hour, as allowing it to sit in your scalp for any longer can contribute to fungal growth that is causing your dandruff.
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Use of Baking Soda

If you are looking for an easily available and quick remedy to your dandruff problem, baking soda is a great choice. Baking soda is known as an exfoliant that gently rids your scalp of dead cells and dandruff. Ideally, you should apply baking soda to wet hair directly and allow it to sit for a couple minutes before shampooing your hair.
Neem Leaves

Neem is an effective antifungal and antibacterial remedy to many skin conditions. It has a soothing effect on the scalp that you can take full advantage of by applying a quick, homemade hair mask made of ground neem leaves and a tablespoon of honey.
Wash Your Hair More Often

Many anti dandruff shampoos in the market these days can dry out your scalp, which can lead to excess production of sebum and other oils on your scalp. This oil increases the greasiness of your scalp and makes the condition worse so it is best to wash your hair more often to regularly clean your scalp.
Use Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the most common ingredients in countless remedies for scalp conditions, skin conditions, and makeup products. This is because aloe vera is a succulent with multiple cooling and antiinflammatory properties. Consequently, application of aloe vera to the scalp helps reduce inflammation of the scalp and any irritation. It is also proven to be a very mild exfoliant that you can apply directly to your scalp before rinsing it off with a mild shampoo.
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Garlic Clove

Garlic is another ingredient that is used in many home remedies due to its antifungal properties. You can use a couple of crushed garlic cloves and mix it in water to apply to your scalp. It is always best to mix in honey to get rid of the pungent smell.
Exfoliate Your Scalp

Exfoliating your scalp helps dandruff by cleaning out dead cells and encouraging the regeneration of new ones. You can exfoliate at home by making a simple scrub at home by mixing hair conditioner, brown sugar and oatmeal.
Minimize your Stress

While stress has no direct relation to dandruff growth, it sure does affect your body’s ability to fight off the fungus. High stress levels can also worsen symptoms like irritation so it is best to try and lower your stress levels.
Make Use of Effective Dandruff Shampoo

Using the right dandruff shampoo is very important so go with a mild one as dandruff shampoos can be drying for your scalp. Apply this shampoo on only your scalp to keep the length from drying up and never forget the conditioner.
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Avoid Scratching

Scratching your scalp if you have a dandruff problem is quite possibly one of the worst things you can do. Your nails can increase inflammation of the scalp and cause open wounds that will quickly spread the infection even further. So, try and keep away from scratching regardless of how itchy it feels!
Salicylic Acid

Salicylic has multiple uses in your battle against dandruff. It helps to remove dead cells from your scalp and restore keratin layers to provide strong protection against fungus and bacteria. Salicylic acid will also give you a clean scalp by hydrating it and getting rid of flakes.
Increase your Intake of Omega-3s

Omega 3 fatty acids are very beneficial to one’s health and a deficiency of the same can lead to dryness of hair. The consumption of omega 3 fatty acids can help improve scalp hydration and build up your overall immune system. Some rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids like seafood like salmon, tuna, sardines, nuts and seeds like chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, etc.
Increase Probiotics

Probiotics are a type of positive bacteria that help your body fight fungal infections, allergies and lower cholesterol levels. You can easily find a healthy dose of probiotics in tasty foods like kombucha, kimchi, yoghurt, pickles and more. These foods lead to higher levels of probiotics in your body and help develop its immune system.
These remedies are some of the best ones to learn how to get rid of dandruff fast and easy. Consistency is key so follow your preferred remedy regularly to see promising results. If your attempts to cure dandruff do not seem to be working, pay a visit to your doctor!
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