Tired of smudgy looks? Here are some monsoon makeup alternatives to consider
Rains have finally arrived to provide some genuine respite from the scorching heat of the summer. But with them also came the monsoon makeup woes. More often than not when ladies step out wearing makeup, rains wash it away to create a makeup nightmare. But that doesn’t mean who quit for makeup for the rest of the monsoon. So, just like with monsoon outfits, one needs to play it smart with makeup so that they last longer during the monsoon.
The key lies in improvisation. Yes, you can choose to splurge on waterproof makeup, but in this article, a balance is intended to be achieved with readymade products and improvisation with your current makeup set. Here are some alternatives that you need to consider for your monsoon makeup plan.
1. Primers
Create a smear-proof base using a primer. The advantage? Primers act as a natural shield from common skin irritants like dust, water etc. while also reducing perspiration through the pores. This ensures your monsoon makeup is in place for a longer period.
2. Liquid-based foundations
With even a primer-ready base, regular foundations might tank in front of the wet climate outside. Therefore, a switch to liquid-based foundations for your monsoon makeup is essential. For example, you could use a tinted moisturiser as a foundation that shall last much longer. Among liquid foundations, opt for silicon-based foundations as they create a barrier between your skin and the dreaded humidity and heat.
3. Lip Liquids
During the rains, consider going beyond lipsticks and opting for ultra-matte, dry-finish lip liquids. These last longer and give your face a visual spark with ease. If you wish to stick to lipsticks for your monsoon makeup, use a Lipliner as a base over the lips. This would make the lipstick stick to the lips.
4. Eye-Tints
Dry, powder-based eyeshadows do not stand a chance against the rains. Hence, to battle it out, you should go for eye tints that dry instantly. In terms of colours, try creamy pink, light brown, pastel and beige shades that would complement the season.
5. Waterproof Mascaras
We all have seen the classic smudged makeup look on actresses when portraying tear-jerking scenes on screen. Your regular mascara can deliver a similar look when exposed to rains. In that case, consider getting waterproof mascaras. It is also recommended to hydrate your lashes and lids well before applying the mascara as they tend to dry up the sensitive lashes and eyelids.
6. Cream-based blushes
Powder blushers are known to easily run down the cheeks. Hence for your monsoon makeup, we would highly recommend going for cream-based blushes that give the cheeks a velvety feel while lending it a natural flush. Mixing cream blushes with powdered ones is also an option as the colour stays on your cheeks longer this way.
7. Makeup Setting Spray
Finally, set your look with a makeup setting spray. Apart from cancelling out the oiliness of the skin during the cold climate, it considerably prolongs the makeup’s staying power. Thereby, making it ideal for those hitting the outdoors for the monsoon.
So, these monsoon makeup products should be enough to start your beauty preparations for the season. To get continue these glimpses into fashion, makeup and accessories for all seasons, follow InfiFashion by clicking on the subscribe button at the top of this page. Also, if you wish to share your views on these products or have suggestions of your own, feel free to do so in the comments. Till the next time, Ciao!!