Tips for Beard
Beards have always been as manly, macho and all other superlatives associated with good-looking men. They can add whole new shades of style to your face in a number of ways. But before we get to that, let’s delve into the intricacies of keeping a beard and how you can groom it to best results.
Let Your Beard Grow

Excitement tends to seep in when your beard starts growing. Gradually, the urge to begin trimming it to the desired shape arises. But that is exactly where you need to hold those style ideas. At least, try not to for the first 4-6 weeks. This allows the beard to grow more evenly. After which, you can pick your preferred style with the required length and thickness. This freedom helps you experiment with more styles.
Know the Right Time to Trim

Earlier, when it was mentioned that you should let your beard grow, it doesn’t mean you let grow freely like a wild plant. Well-timed pruning with a quality trimmer is essential to avoid an unkempt look. To begin with, you could trim out some out-of-place strands for a cleaner bearded look.
Beard Care Tips
Your beard, especially in the initial growing stage, can trap a lot of things like sweat, food bits and skin cells to name a few. Therefore, it is highly important that you wash and scrub your beard regularly with a good shampoo, at least couple of times a week. End your wash with a gentle pat dry. Beware of rough towelling as it can lead to frizz and split ends.
Beard Trimming Tips

Some strands of our beard can be really stubborn and go against the flow. This would give the beard an awkward look. But that doesn’t mean you just cut them off. That way, you shall ruin your beard in a single snip. Rather, run a comb those rough areas. Use a good beard oil to make the process much easier.
Food for Beard Growth
All the style tips mentioned above would be rendered futile if your diet doesn’t help the cause. Your beard consists of protein and fats so a good ratio of both would be great. But it is the vitamins that seal the deal with beards. So, strongly consider increasing your intake of Vitamins B5, B3, and B9. You can get them from sources like nuts, milk, green leafy vegetables and lean meats.
This brief guide to grooming your beard is meant to act as a sturdy foundation, and there is a lot more to the intricate process. But with these tips in practice, you shall have a well-grown beard that opens many opportunities to styling it with finesse. Hence, this insight into beards doesn’t end here. This shall be followed up with more intriguing insights into other aspects of maintaining a beard. To read all of those and many more glimpses into fashion, grooming and styling, keep following Infifashion.