7 Top Horror Movies On  Amazon Prime Video Right Now

7. Renfield

A compelling contemporary retelling of the beloved character that combines psychological suspense and terror.

6. Cocaine Bear

A gripping story of deception and temptation, on Amazon Prime right now.

5. M3GAN

An exciting fusion of horror and AI that explores the perils of technology in a suspenseful way. A must-see!

4. Bones And All

A chilling story about cannibalism and love that has deep emotional resonance and nail-biting tension.

3. Smile

A touching story of resiliency and optimism that inspires us to find happiness throughout the most trying times in life.

2. Nanny

It  features compelling suspense and thrilling turns. A story of betrayed trust. Drama that you must watch!

1. Suspiria

Discover Suspiria's eerie ambiance and captivating images on Amazon Prime. A narrative of dancing and darkness that is haunting.