Huge Comeback: Rachel Shelley Stars in Kohrra 

First Bollywood Debut

Rachel Shelley Made her first bollywood debut in the movie "Lagaan". She played a Britisher by the name "Elizabeth"  

More Insights

Lagaan was Rachel Shelley's First Bollywood Movie that was nominated for Oscars. It achieved a lot of worldwide recognization.

Other Films

Apart from Lagaan, Rachel worked in a lot of great films and TV Series like "The L World" and "Blank"

Rachel Kelly Comeback

Now after almost more than a decade, Rachel is set to do a Comeback with her new OTT show Kohrra.

About Her Character

She hasn't been very clear about her upcoming character in Kohrra, but she mentions fans will discover strengthful and resilient character.

Director's View

Director Sudip Sharma told that he wanted an actor who was well familiar with the chaos of our Country so he found Shelley as the best fit.


As Rachel is Smart and adaptive to Indian Chaos, the director Decided to move ahead with Rachel.

Kohrra will be aired on July 15th 2023 on Netflix.